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Native Perennials


Solidago californica  Goldenrod  Bay Area 
Easy to grow, with yellow flowers in late summer. This form is taller than S. spathulata. 
(4)  4" pot   7.00 
(7)  1 gal   12.00 

Solidago spathulata  Coast Goldenrod  Bay Area 
Low growing coastal species of Goldenrod makes a neat basal clump of leaves. Easy to grow, with yellow flowers in late summer.

The plant has a pleasant anise-like fragrance and many medicinal uses; John Muir wrote that a single sprig can cure depression and atheism. Goldenrod can be used as a laxative and to control diarrhea. Goldenrod actually does not cause hay fever - the sticky pollen is carried by insects, not windblown. 
(3)  D40   7.00 
(2)  1/2 lb. seed   22.00 

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